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FarmFleet explored current challenges on the path to the digitalization of agricultural enterprises at NABEC in the USA


The Ukrainian agricultural sector continues to showcase outstanding achievements in precision farming, setting new standards for the implementation of innovative approaches in global agricultural production. FarmFleet plays a significant role in this process, receiving recognition both domestically and internationally due to its expertise and innovative approach. By improving production processes and implementing advanced solutions that enhance the efficiency of agricultural enterprises, FarmFleet shared its experience in implementing innovative technologies in the agricultural sector at the North Atlantic Bioengineering Conference (NABEC), held on July 16, 2024, in Pennsylvania, USA.
Participating in the AgTech panel dedicated to digital and precision farming, Valerii Iakovenko, CEO and managing partner of FarmFleet, as well as the head of the agricultural committee of the Pennsylvania Drone Association, shared their insights:

“This was a general-purpose conference on the use of innovative technologies in agriculture. Specifically, we participated in the field of robotics within the broad context of this theme. We assessed the impact of technologies on the current efficiency of agricultural enterprises, workforce, as well as the challenges and risks that farmers face while adapting these technologies. Overall, it was one of the most interesting scientific conferences with a significant representation of scientific and academic institutions from the northeastern region of the United States, particularly the Mid-Atlantic region, which provides a much broader understanding of this event’s importance.”

Participants in the panel discussion also included:
Paul Heinemann, Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Penn State University;
Kevin Dowling, Executive Director at Robotics Factory;
Yu Jiang, Assistant Professor at Cornell University;
Shirin Ghatrehsamani, Ph.D., and Research Scientist at Penn State University.

“I must highlight the thorough preparation of the speakers who participated in the panel with me. They were representatives of academic communities and institutions with extensive experience in technology development and efficiency evaluation. Representing a company that directly involves end-users in the adoption of innovative technologies, I emphasize the effectiveness of the synergy between the academic community, business, and end-users in the United States. The academic community is, indeed, the most important stakeholder in validating emerging technologies’ effectiveness,” noted Valerii Iakovenko.

Exploring the current challenges, experts reached a consensus and highlighted the main one - the concern among specialists about the displacement of human labor by robotics.
"People have concerns that robotics and modern technologies could lead to a reduction in the current workforce and their replacement by machines. While there are certain confirmations and actual risks of this, it often serves as a stimulus for various specialists to increase their skills and work with more efficient tools. Modern technologies are not aimed at eliminating human labor but rather at simplifying and increasing the productiveness of workers' tasks."

Currently, the most common practice of implementing innovations by small enterprises is the service model, where companies do not lose capital investments by acquiring equipment to update their fleet but gain access to the latest technologies through service purchases.

"In the modern world, robotics as a service is a trend that is only growing. And now we see that among potential clients and current users of innovative technologies, the majority are service companies," emphasizes Yakovenko.

Specialists during the panel discussion paid particular attention to examples of innovative technologies applied through agronomic consultations.

“This category of workers and service providers in the United States is extremely active, making it one of the primary fronts of our work. By collaborating with agronomic consultants, who are widely distributed across the United States, we can make initial integrations and even deepen them through additional presence channels,” shared Valeriy Iakovenko, CEO and managing partner of FarmFleet, and Chairman of the Pennsylvania Drone Association's Agriculture Committee.

The experience that FarmFleet has gained during its time in the Ukrainian and American markets is of great value and is recognized by the academic community. The regular invitation to expert discussions and the introduction of our own experience overseas is a clear confirmation of this.

“We have already veryfied that the knowledge we acquired while practically creating an ecosystem to implement innovations in Ukraine is highly regarded,” concluded Valeriy Iakovenko.

FarmFleet combines the best practices of Ukrainian agriculture with cutting-edge global technologies, creating comprehensive solutions for agricultural production that allow farmers not only to increase yields but also reduce costs and minimize environmental impact. Today, FarmFleet is actively collaborating with international partners, exchanging experiences, and implementing the best global practices in precision agriculture.

The NABEC conference has become a powerful platform for sharing knowledge, presenting research, and discussing innovations in bioengineering. This year's panel highlighted the crucial role of technology in enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability, and FarmFleet was pleased to contribute by implementing innovative solutions that help farmers overcome current challenges.

FarmFleet expresses its gratitude to the event organizers for creating opportunities for cross-cultural exchange and covering important topics, as well as to fellow panelists for the lively and engaging discussions that will drive the global agricultural industry toward innovation.